
Lu, Yi-Chang

碩士論文 (1999)

虛 擬 企 業 流 程 控 制 系 統 開 發

The Development of a Process Control System for Virtual Enterprising

關鍵字 Keywords

虛擬企業, 流程控制

Virtual Enterprise, Communication and Coordination, Process Control


在產品生命週期日漸縮短的現實環境下,產品必須加快上市時間方能搶得先機,因此虛擬企業被視為二十一世紀企業競爭的策略之一。為了使虛擬企業的概念能夠落實並順利運作,流程控制的進行必須有一套系統化的方式及支援的技術與工具。然而及至目前為止,虛擬企業的流程控制尚無一套系統化的方法與工具,來幫助虛擬企業的落實。 本論文的主要目的在於,提出一套系統化的虛擬企業流程控制方法,以協助虛擬企業流程之順利進行,並界定、開發支援此方法運作所需之相關技術。最後根據所提之方法和技術進行系統的模式化分析與設計,並建立一個虛擬企業流程控制系統。 為達上述之目的,本研究依兩階段進行。首先,針對虛擬企業流程進行特性分析,並依此結果發展出虛擬企業流程控制之系統化方法及流程控制模型。其次是利用UML的模式化語言分析、設計系統模型並進行系統程式撰寫。


Virtual enterprise is viewed as one of the most promising business strategies for manufacturing industries to meet global competition. The essence of virtual enterprising is to integrate the processes, activities, and resources from different enterprises through enterprise alliance and to quickly respond to customer expectations Therefore, how to effectively manage the business activities and control the process across the boundary of enterprises is the new challenge of industry. At the same time, to provide a computer-based tool for effective inter-enterprise process control is the goal of software companies. The objective of this research is to facilitate the coordination and process control of virtual enterprising and thus help achieve the goals of virtual enterprise through advancing the methodology and technology of inter-enterprise process control and coordination. The objective can be obtained by: (1) developing a methodology and procedure for process control and coordination across the boundary of enterprises, (2) developing the core technologies for inter-enterprise process control and coordination based on the proposed methodology, and (3) developing an inter-enterprise process control system using the core technologies. To achieve the research goal, the characterization of virtual enterprise, and analysis and modeling on virtual process are first conducted. The results are then employed for development of the methodology for inter-enterprise process control and coordination. According to the methodology, the enabling technologies are identified and developed. Finally, an inter-enterprise process control system is developed based on the proposed methodology and developed technologies using the object-oriented system analysis and design methodology - UML.