
Yuh-Jen Chen

博士論文 (2005)


Research and Development on Enabling Technology for Collaborative Engineering Knowledge Management

關鍵字 Keywords

知識管理, 協同設計, 企業系統, 企業工程

collaborative design, knowledge management, enterprise engineering, enterprise system


由於國際化競爭,”協同設計”已成為企業提高研發設計能力與整體競爭力的重要策略之一,其作法係透過由不同部門或公司的人員所組成的多功能團隊(Multi-Functional Team),在一合理化、協同化的作業程序下,運用網路與資訊技術,並藉由溝通、協調與合作,來整合地、協同地進行產品開發與設計。而協同設計之成效則繫於產品設計知識能否有效的管理與分享,因此,導入「工程知識管理」以提升產品研發與設計之績效並以累積企業之知識資產,已為產業當務之急。   本論文將針對(i)產品設計活動之內隱知識的獲取與儲存,(ii)內隱知識與工程資料之整合、及(iii)協同式工程知識管理與分享等核心技術進行研發,再整合所研發之核心技術,建構一協同式工程知識管理系統雛型,以協助提高產品開發與工程活動之成效,進而幫助產業提高生產力與競爭力。   針對上述之研究目的,本研究將(i)建立一協同式工程流程模式與工程知識管理架構,以作為協同式工程知識管理系統開發之基礎,(ii)設計一協同式工程知識管理系統功能架構,以作為系統開發之依據,(iii)界定並開發協同式工程知識管理系統實現技術,以利協同式工程知識管理系統之建立,與(iv)實作相關實現技術,並建構一協同式工程知識管理系統雛型,以利協同式工程知識管理之實施。


In the face of the ever-growing global competition, collaborative design has become one of the most promising business strategies for increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise. The essence of collaborative design lies in a distributive and collaborative process, where people in different disciplines from different enterprises cooperate to design products and develop related processes through remote coordination, communication, and process control.  The success of collaborative design depends on the effective sharing of engineering knowledge throughout the entire process of development. Consequently, the implementation of engineering knowledge management, which supports collaborative design and also accumulates corporate memory, has become one of the most important tasks to be managed by industries.  This research aims to develop enabling technologies to facilitate the development of collaborative engineering knowledge management systems. This research will focus on the development of technology for (i) capture and storage of the implicit engineering knowledge, (ii) integration of the implicit engineering knowledge and product data, and (iii) collaborative management and sharing of the engineering knowledge.  The objective can be achieved by (i) establishing a collaborative engineering process model and a collaborative engineering knowledge management framework, (ii) designing a functional framework for the collaborative engineering knowledge management system, (iii) identifying and developing enabling technologies of the collaborative engineering knowledge management system, and (iv) implementing enabling technologies based on the developed techniques for the above-mentioned enabling technologies and constructing a prototype for the collaborative engineering knowledge management system.

碩士論文 (2001)


Development of a Knowledge Management Methodology and a System Framework for Enterprise System Development and Implementation

關鍵字 Keywords

知識管理, 企業工程, 企業系統

Knowledge Management, Enterprise Engineering, Enterprise Systems


隨著21世紀知識經濟時代的來臨,知識已成為企業中最重要的資產 ,企業知識能否有效的被累積與運用,已成為企業永續生存的重要關鍵 。因此「知識管理」成為業界的重要課題之一,也是學界未來主要研究 領域之一。 企業系統為企業用以提昇競爭力的工具,然而企業系統之開發與導 入和企業流程息息相關,又牽涉到資訊、系統與軟體工程等多方面之經 驗與知識,為一知識密集之活動。因此,有效的實施知識管理以提昇企 業系統開發與導入之效率,亦為企業系統業者當務之急。 本研究之主要目的在研發一支援企業系統開發與導入活動之知識管 理方法及系統架構,以利企業系統開發與導入之知識管理環境的建立, 以協助企業系統開發與導入過程中之知識管理與分享,使提高企業系統 開發與導入之效率,進而協助產業提高競爭力。


With the advent of knowledge economy, knowledge has become the most important asset of enterprises in the 21st century. Whether the enterprise knowledge can be accumulated and effectively employed will be the key factor for the success of enterprises. Therefore, knowledge management has become one of the important issues in both industry and academic areas. In recent years, enterprise systems have been widely used to increase enterprise competitiveness. The development and implementation of enterprise systems is a knowledge intensive procedure due to its relation with enterprise processes and the involvement of information, system and software engineering technologies. Therefore, it is required to conduct knowledge management so as to increase the effectiveness for enterprise system development and implementation, and thus help increase competitiveness of the industries The objective of the research is to develop a knowledge management methodology and a system framework to facilitate the establishment of knowledge management environment so as to support knowledge management in enterprise system development and implementation. The results will enable the knowledge management and sharing for enterprise system development and implementation and consequently increase the efficiency of enterprise system development and implementation as well as the enterprise competitiveness.