
Tasi-Yu Su

碩士論文 (2006)


Research on Ontology-based Access Control for Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Enterprises

關鍵字 Keywords

存取控制, 虛擬企業, 本體論, 知識管理

Virtual Enterprise, Access Control, Knowledge Management, Ontology


虛擬企業(Virtual Enterprise)是一個新的提昇企業競爭力的策略,其工作者以協同合作的模式貢獻自己的核心能力,分享彼此的資源,尤其是知識,以共同完成產品的設計、生產、組裝、行銷及服務。因此,適度安全的知識分享是虛擬企業成功的要素之ㄧ,本研究提出一個以本體論(Ontology)為基的虛擬企業知識存取控制(Access Control)模型,能根據工作者在虛擬企業中的所扮演的角色及執行的任務來決定跨企業的知識存取權限。本模型以4W (Who, What, When 及 Where)來評估使用者對知識的基本存取權限(Authorization),並應用本體論中所定義的基本關係決定權限的擴展(Propagation)。藉由本研究能使虛擬企業更容易的制定適當的知識存取控制政策,有效管理及分享跨企業的知識。


Virtual Enterprise (VE) is one of the most promising strategies to enhance global competitiveness, via collaboration on product design, production, assembly and marketing. Efficient and secure knowledge resource sharing is one of the key factors to the success of VE. This study proposes an ontology-based access control model for knowledge management and sharing in virtual enterprise. In this model, user authorization is classified into basic and propagated levels. The former is evaluated from four-dimensions, i.e. who, what, when and where, while the latter is decided by considering the relationships between concepts in a predefined domain ontology. The proposed knowledge access control model facilitates: (1) construction of a proper access control policy based on the requirements of a virtual enterprise access control, and (2) management and sharing of knowledge involved in a virtual enterprise.