
Hui-Ying Cai

碩士論文 (2009)


Development of One to Many Multi-Objective Negotiation Mechanism for Knowledge Commerce

關鍵字 Keywords

多目標決策, 基因演算法, 協商, 知識商務

Genetic Algorithm, Negotiation, Knowledge Commerce, Multiple Objective Decision Making


「知識經濟」時代,知識已為企業維繫競爭優勢的重要資源,由於企業為了因應市場環境快速變化,並縮減知識建構之成本與時間,企業紛紛向外尋求所需之知識,帶動知識商務之興起。 然而,知識之內隱特性使得知識交易風險較高,再加上買賣雙方對於知識之認知價值(價格、內容等)有所歧義,容易產生交易衝突,因此為了提升知識交易之成交率以及減少知識交易之糾紛,協商成為知識商務之重要議題。 首先,本研究探討知識商務環境且設計一協商程序模式,之後依據多目標協商之問題來設計依協商規範模式以支援較彈性地自動化協商程序。最後,依據上述模式來發展依協商功能架構,此協商機制來解決知識需求者與提供者的衝突。 藉由本研究發展之機制,提供一彈性之協商程序,降低知識交易時的衝突,改善交易中知識雙方的不確定性,以提升知識交易之成交率。


Knowledge-commerce (k-commerce) is a novel business model involving planned business processes that generate profits by trading and exchanging knowledge on the Internet and World Wide Web. However, characteristics of knowledge are tacit and private, resulting in uncertainty and high risk in knowledge transactions. Negotiation for knowledge commerce is important for overcoming these problems. This study work proposes a functional framework for a multi-objective negotiation mechanism for knowledge commerce. At first, this study discusses the environment of knowledge commerce and designs the negotiation process model, after which it considers the problem of multi-objective negotiation for designs the negotiation policy model to support a more flexible automated negotiation process. Finally, a negotiation framework is presented according to the above models. The negotiation mechanism is used for conflict resolution between knowledge requesters and suppliers. Thus, including the negotiation framework in the functional framework of the online knowledge trade-off platform can enhance satisfaction regarding knowledge transactions and thus facilitate successful knowledge transactions.