
Lu, Wen-Chih

碩士論文 (1997)


CORBA-based Information Management System for CIM Implementation

關鍵字 Keywords

電腦整合製造, 資訊管理

CORBA, CIM, Information Management


電腦整合製造(Computer Integrated Manufacturing -CIM)被視為產業 提高生產力的策略與方法之一。而資訊管理的成敗則直接影響電腦整合製 造系統的成敗。所以如何建立一整合的資訊管理系統以協助CIM的實施, 為業界與學界努力的重點之一。 本研究的主要目的包括:(一) 設計 、開發一整合式CIM資訊管理系統,負責提供企業內應用系統間溝通及應 用系統與關連式資料庫或儲存庫之間的仲介服務。(二) 以物件導向技術 與CORBA規格開發此一整合式CIM資訊管理系統,使得所有資料庫物件可以 透過ORB(Object Request Broker)跨越各種工作平台、網路通訊協定互相 傳遞,因此此資訊管理系統具CORBA跨平台之功能以解決異質環境下系統 溝通、整合問題;提高系統間的整合性。(三) 提出一系統化、結構化資 訊管理系統開發程序,以為整合式CIM資訊管理系統開發之參考程序。


Computer Integrated Manufacturing -CIM is an important strategy or method for the enterprise to promote its productivity . The success of CIM is determined by the quality of Information Management . It is important to construct an integrated Information Management System to assert CIM implementation . The objective of this research is to develop and design a CORBA- based CIM Information Management system . To achieve Integration in a heterogeneous network a common object request broker architecture(CORBA)-based architecture was chosen . The system is developed in a distributed environment and can provide business objects to application systems in an enterprise . It behave as middleware between applications and Database or repository ( Three-Tier Software Architecture ). Owe to the function of cross-platform of CORBA , the system can achieve interoperability among applications on distributed , heterogeneous platform . This system can estimate the phenomena of Automation Island and promote the efficiency of CIM system . This research also present a systematic and structural software development procedure of CIM Information Management System , and it can be a referential development procedure for developing a distributed object system .