
Min-Chien Lee

碩士論文 (2002)


On Distributed Knowledge Management for Virtual Enterprise

關鍵字 Keywords

虛擬企業, 知識管理, 知識管理方法論

knowledge management, virtual enterprise


隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,知識已取代其他資產成為企業最重要的資產。然而,隨著資訊科技的發展,企業的界限越來越模糊,虛擬企業提供一個新的競爭模式。如何將企業的智價資產,結合虛擬企業活動產生新的經濟模式﹖將是未來知識管理的重要課題之一。   本研究之目的在提出一支援虛擬企業之分散式知識管理方法論,以供虛擬企業建構知識管理之參考。   吾人就虛擬企業特有的動態結合、分散管理、自主合作等特性,認為應提供一公用平台以利虛擬企業知識管理之建構。進而更提出一明確循序可致的作業流程,以為支援虛擬企業之分散式知識管理方法。


With the advent of the age of knowledge economy, knowledge has become the most important asset of enterprises in the 21st century. Whether corporate knowledge can be accumulated and effectively employed will be the key factor for the success of an enterprise. In recent years, virtual enterprise has been viewed as one of the most promising business strategies for enterprises to meet global competition. The essence of virtual enterprise is the integration and sharing of corporate knowledge across enterprises through enterprise alliance to quickly respond to customer expectations. Therefore, the management of knowledge across enterprises is the basis for virtual enterprising. However, implementation of knowledge management in virtual enterprise is still a challenge due to lack of suitable methodology.   The objective of this research is to develop a knowledge management methodology to facilitate knowledge management in the environment of virtual enterprises. The objective can be obtained by (1) characterizing and modeling of virtual enterprise, (2) identifying, analyzing and modeling of the involved knowledge, (3) design of a distributed knowledge management framework for virtual enterprise, and (4) development of a knowledge management methodology for virtual enterprising.   The results of this research will facilitate the implementation of knowledge management in virtual enterprise and consequently help increase enterprise productivity and competitiveness.