
Jung-Huang Peng

碩士論文 (2004)


Research on Method of Knowledge Management for Project-based work.

關鍵字 Keywords

模式, 專案, 知識管理

Project, Knowledge Management, Model


在眾多企業活動中,專案型態工作多為目標導向之作業,除須運用專業知識外,還須仰賴系統化方法、技術與工具進行專案之執行與管理,並且此類工作往往需要跨組織、跨公司運作,進行過程中變數繁多,因此更須善加運用領域之知識與經驗,並有效的實施專案知識管理以提升專案之成效並以累積企業之知識資產。   本研究之主要目的在發展專案知識管理模式,使專案型態工作之知識與經驗得以有效保存與分享,以協助企業累積智慧財產,提高整體競爭力。未達上述研究目標,本研究之主要研究項目包括1.專案型態工作定義及模式建立、2.專案型態工作知識界定、分析與知識循環模式建立、3. 專案知識管理策略與架構 設計、 4. 專案知識管理方法與模式建立與5.方法實例驗證。


Among all activities within enterprise, project-based work is more like the goal-oriented project. Besides the need of profession knowledge, project engineer still needs the systematic method, technology and tool to control the project. Because this kind of work is proceeding across the different organization or enterprise, the engineers will face a lot of uncertain change. Knowledge sharing and accumulating by effective management system will be important for project promotion and intellectual property reservation. The objective of this research is the design of Knowledge Management model for project-based work. This result of this research will improve the management and reunion the knowledge or experience of individual knowledge workers or team. In the long run, enterprise can gain the overall competitive power.