
Tein-Lan Liu

碩士論文 (2004)


Design of an XML-Based Inter-Enterprise Data Integration Platform

關鍵字 Keywords

虛擬企業, 供應鏈, 企業整合, 資料整合, 電子資料交換, 專案管理

project management, Electronic data interchange, enterprise integration, Extensible Markup Language (XML), supply chain management, virtual enterprise, data integration


中文摘要 由於全球化競爭壓力,企業的生產活動難以完全仰賴自身技能,於是須要透過聯盟與其他企業進行合作,進而形成供應鏈或虛擬企業之關係,群策群力進行製造、生產及開發等作業,以提高產出水準,滿足顧客之需求。 為因應企業間彼此支援時所產生的資訊流議題,本研究設計一可建置於虛擬企業的“企業間資料整合平台”,具備整合企業團隊中各合作夥伴所擁有資料之能力,以協助企業團隊商務活動之決策、管理、控制及作業各層面之用。 本平台利用XML相關技術作資料交換之標準,並以SOAP作網路協定,提供虛擬企業之資料整合機制,以為企業互動之基礎。平台有效地處理了異質資料的整合問題,使資料的擷取更為便利;強調同步處理分散資料之更新及維護,不單確保資料的內容具及時性及可靠度,並使資料之取得達到無遠弗界的效果,而對於資料的保護也設置有使用權限管理機制,避免資料外洩情形發生。以實現企業間資料整合之目標。


English Abstract Due to global competition and increasing complexity of products, enterprise alliance has become one of the most promising business strategies to develop, produce and deliver products through enterprise cooperation to quick response rapid market changes and customer expectations. The success of enterprise cooperation is highly dependent on the effective sharing of business information, which is in turn based on the ability for dynamic and flexible data integration. The objective of this research is to design an inter-enterprise data integration platform that is able to integrate business data to support business collaboration. This platform is designed using XML as a standard for data exchange and SOAP as Internet protocol to provide mechanisms for heterogeneous data integration, data integrity maintenance, as well as security control. Through this platform, the goals for inter-enterprise data integration can be obtained and consequently achieve the benefits for enterprise cooperation.