
Hung-Hsun Lin

碩士論文 (2007)


Development of Automatic Content Delivery Mechanism for Community-based Question-answering Services

關鍵字 Keywords

專家尋找, 個人化, 資訊擷取, 自然語言處理, 網路問答社群

personalization, Information Retrieval, Natural Language processing, community-based question-answering services, Expert Finding


隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,網路問答社群服務(community-based question-answering services) 已成為新興的知識分享模式,透過網際網路,社群中提問者與回答者,得以進行知識分享。然而傳統網路問答社群之成員,通常只能透過搜尋或瀏覽,獲取及分享社群知識,由於不易了解使用者之真正需求,以致搜尋之準確度不高且瀏覽過於耗時,使得社群內知識不能有效的流通,導致社群學習成效不彰。 本研究主要目的在發展一網路問答社群之主動內容傳遞機制,經由分析使用者問句之語意,以更準確地尋找合適之內容,以及透過分析使用者的喜好及專業特性,主動傳遞適合之內容,以改善一般網路問答社群知識搜尋不易與流通不足之問題,進而提高社群之效益。


With the rapid growth of internet, community-based question-answering service has become one of the promising knowledge sharing models. Through the internet, community members may share knowledge via asking questions and providing answers. However, members who participate in this community service, usually can only search or browse the knowledge content of the community passively to obtain and share knowledge. Since it is not easy to fully realize the user's demand, there exist problems of searching inaccuracy and time consuming on content browsing, that makes the ineffectiveness of knowledge circulation, and thus limits the development of the new knowledge sharing model. The objective of this research is to develop an automatic content delivery mechanism for community-based question-answering services so as to promote the effectiveness of community-based learning. The objective can be obtained through (1) providing more accurate knowledge content using a content searching method via analyzing the semantic of the question asked by user, (2) delivering more suitable knowledge content based on user’s preference and expertise. The results of this research will improve the searching accuracy and browsing efficiency and consequently facilitate the knowledge sharing in community-based question-answering services.