
Chun-Yen Tseng

碩士論文 (2003)


Design of a Model and System Framework for On-Line Diagnosis

關鍵字 Keywords

案例式推理, 線上故障診斷, 顧客關係管理, 售後服務

Case-based Reasoning, On-Line Diagnosis, After-sale service, Customer Relationship Management


網際網路的蓬勃發展改變了商務模式,也使得企業面臨全球化競爭,企業唯有積極創新並快速反應市場變化與顧客需求,以提高競爭優勢,因此「顧客關係管理」也逐漸受到重視。企業必須瞭解顧客需求,提供最佳的服務,以強化顧客忠誠度,而在企業提供之服務中,售後服務是維護與強化顧客關係的關鍵之一,只有提供完善的售後服務,才能建立起顧客對企業的忠誠度,才能具有長久的競爭力。 本研究針對顧客對於售後服務之需求以及目前企業提供售後服務之功能進行分析與探討,進而建立一線上故障診斷模式,依據線上故障診斷模式,設計線上故障診斷系統之架構,使線上故障診斷模式落實於系統中,再設計線上故障診斷系統架構之案例搜尋機制,以完成口語化查詢功能,讓顧客透過網際網路來診斷產品故障原因,使其能先行排除故障,避免無謂的送修及縮短故障排除的時間。 利用口語化故障問題與診斷查詢機制,讓使用者易於查詢產品故障診斷資訊以自行排除故障,協助企業快速回應顧客對於產品故障診斷與故障排除之需求,進而提升顧客滿意度與企業的競爭力。


The increasing use of the World Wide Web (WWW) has changed the business models and increased business globalization. To meet increasing global competition, enterprises are required to emphasize quick response to rapid market changes and customer expectations based on innovation.「Customer Relationship Management」 is believed as one of the promising strategies to meet customers’ requirements and 「after-sale service」is one of the most critical customer relationship management activities. After investigation on the needs of after-sale service and the functionality of current after-sale service systems, this research developed an on-line diagnosis system framework to facilitate the implementation of on-line diagnosis system based on a proposed case-based on-line diagnosis model. A case-based search mechanism was designed to provide functionality for verbal query on possible causes of product breakdowns to help eliminate the breakdowns and avoid unnecessary repairs. With the verbal question and diagnosis query mechanism, the users will be able to perform diagnosis and repair by themselves, that will in turn help enterprises quickly response to the requirements of diagnosis and consequently increase degree of satisfaction and enterprise competitiveness.